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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CCircleShapeA circle shape
 CClockA class that handles the passing of time within the program
 CColorA class used to describe a RGBA color
 CDrawableThe base class for any object that can be drawn to the screen
 CLineA simple class responsible for the line object
 CMusicA class that handles the playback of opus audio files
 CRectA class that represents a bounding box
 CRectangleShapeA rectangle shape
 CRenderWindowA interface for rendering. Includes both top and bottoms screens as targets
 CShapeThe base class for any shape
 CSpriteA class used to handle the drawing and transformation of sprites
 CSpriteSheetA class used to load and contain t3x formatted spritesheets
 CTextA class used to handle the transformation and drawing of visible text
 CTextBufferUsed to contain text objects. This class is required for the Text object to operate
 CTimeA class that handles the conversion of time values
 CTransformableA base class for anything that has a position on the screen
 CVector2Used to contain a set of two numbers
 CViewUsed as a camera-like object to move the screen view to different positions in world coordinates