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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cdl::ClockA class that handles the passing of time within the program
 Cdl::ColorA class used to describe a RGBA color
 Cdl::DrawableThe base class for any object that can be drawn to the screen
 Cdl::LineA simple class responsible for the line object
 Cdl::ShapeThe base class for any shape
 Cdl::CircleShapeA circle shape
 Cdl::RectangleShapeA rectangle shape
 Cdl::SpriteA class used to handle the drawing and transformation of sprites
 Cdl::TextA class used to handle the transformation and drawing of visible text
 Cdl::MusicA class that handles the playback of opus audio files
 Cdl::Rect< T >A class that represents a bounding box
 Cdl::Rect< float >
 Cdl::RenderWindowA interface for rendering. Includes both top and bottoms screens as targets
 Cdl::SpriteSheetA class used to load and contain t3x formatted spritesheets
 Cdl::TextBufferUsed to contain text objects. This class is required for the Text object to operate
 Cdl::TimeA class that handles the conversion of time values
 Cdl::TransformableA base class for anything that has a position on the screen
 Cdl::ShapeThe base class for any shape
 Cdl::SpriteA class used to handle the drawing and transformation of sprites
 Cdl::TextA class used to handle the transformation and drawing of visible text
 Cdl::Vector2< T >Used to contain a set of two numbers
 Cdl::Vector2< float >
 Cdl::ViewUsed as a camera-like object to move the screen view to different positions in world coordinates